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For Your Pumpkin Bread


For Your Pumpkin Bread

It occurred to me that I didn’t include a recipe for the cream cheese concoction that goes so well with the pumpkin bread recipe that I posted a few days ago.

You might want it. My family really likes this one. And, it is good. I typically just go for plain cream cheese but this is super yummy, if you want to go the extra mile.

Orange Cream Cheese Filling
16 oz. cream cheese, softened
3/4 cup powdered sugar
grated peel of 1 orange
2 T. frozen orange juice concentrate

Beat the cream cheese in a mixer bowl until light and fluffy. Add the powdered sugar, orange peel and orange juice concentrate, beating until blended.

Yield: 2 cups.

This is also really good on banana bread.

Now, for another recipe for something pumpkin-y and cream cheese-y, go here and look at the recipe for Pumpkin Creme Pies.

I haven’t made any yet but, yum, y’all! How could they be bad?
Definitely on the “to be attempted” list.

Happy Tuesday, y’all!

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