February 24, 2013
by annie
This boy was up at the crack of dawn this morning — doing what, you ask? Talking to the birds. He’s trying to learn mockingbird, but for now, this is his best one. The buster. He did this at an … Continue reading →

The question is, are these specs too hipster? My 9th grader says, “yes”.
Please advise, y’all. What do you think?
It isn’t that I don’t like hipster, please understand, it is just that trying to pull that look off at my age, with four children, just seems a tad ridiculous.
All right. Over and out.
And, happy Friday night!

February 22, 2013
by annie
Well, another week, y’all. Time speeds up every day, it seems. I saw an interview with Maggie Smith (of Downton and Harry Potter and too many other films to mention) who is now 78. She was asked about getting older … Continue reading →
February 21, 2013
by annie
This is not a music blog, but I keep hearing good stuff, y’all. With this band, all I’ve heard so far seems kind of like the Civil Wars and, also, sort of like Glen Hansard. I’m telling you, any band … Continue reading →
February 17, 2013
by annie
I rarely stay awake for SNL. But, yesterday I accidently took a nap earlier in the evening….so I was awake to watch the show. Fortuitous — because the Alabama Shakes were there. And they took it out and chopped it … Continue reading →
February 8, 2013
by annie
This is the salad that I promised, like, two weeks ago. I’m sorry to be so tardy. It is scrumptious. In fact, the other day, I was serving it to Jon for lunch and he said, “I’m eating the best … Continue reading →