annie blog

Old Bicycle to Hanging Lamp


I don’t know what it is about do it yourself projects….I’m just drawn to them, I guess.  Especially those projects that transform something old and useless into something new and useful.

Like this hanging lamp.

In this article from the New York Times, Andrew Wagner talks about seeing abandoned, rusting bicycles around town and how that made him wonder what could be done with them.  He and his collaborator, Jen Turner, came up with a hanging lamp inspired by Noguchi.

I think that this is very cool — in part because I can’t afford but LOVE Noguchi designs, and in part just because it is awesome all on its own.

Speaking of Noguchi, did y’all know that he designed the ceiling of a building here in St. Louis?

Also, I want one of his coffee tables.

Hope y’all are having a good Tuesday!


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