annie blog

Boring Dreams


Boring Dreams
I’ve been having weird dreams lately. And, what makes them so weird is not that they are about trucks falling from the sky or growing watermelons that are covered with green shag carpet but that they are so boring and mundane. This seems to be the case with E, my youngest son, too. Yesterday morning, he informed me, as he lay on the floor in the kitchen (morning is sometimes too much, you know) that he dreamed that our houseplants needed some water. That is like dreaming about going to the post office, or something. I had had a boring dream that night as well. In my dream, I was putting on foundation makeup. It was really wild because I could see the brand name and color and everything. And, since I don’t wear any in real life, I was wondering what this whole thing was about when I woke up. Of course, since E’s dream is true and the houseplants do need watering — maybe I should assume that it is time for me to start wearing makeup. I’m sure my self-improvement-minded friend, Eliza, would say, “Yes, this is totally a sign. Go with it, girl!” It’s a good thing that she doesn’t read my blog, or I’d be getting a phone call to that end.

The houseplants will be watered and maybe I’ll think about the makeup thing. But, you know, water is basically free and makeup takes time and money. So I don’t think the prospects of my wearing it are too favorable.


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