annie blog

Miss Liz, the President


Miss Liz, the President
I’ve written here before about Miss Liz, our longtime neighbor and friend. She lived in the apartment next to ours for 10 years. A little over a year and a half ago, she had some heart attacks followed by surgery and was in and out of the hospital many times over the next few months. By the Easter following the December in which she had her first heart attacks, I thought that she was going to die. I distinctly remember going to see her and realizing that she didn’t know who I was. She was just like a shell of her former vivacious self and I wasn’t sure that we’d see her ever recover. Her family decided to move her to a nursing home in their area and we said good-bye not knowing how we would find her when we were able to visit.

You can imagine our surprise and delight in finding her vastly improved physically and mentally when we visited her a few months after she moved to the nursing home. What is more — she had her sparkly personality back. It seemed like a miracle.

So, she has had a year to get to know everyone there and guess what? She is now president of the resident’s association at that nursing home. Her first item of business was to get cable TV. Anyone who knows her will know how appropriate that is! Miss Liz the president, crusading for cable TV. It makes me smile just to think of it.


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