annie blog

Whoa, Nelly!


Whoa, Nelly!

My Saturday morning ritual (sort of, if I remember) is to visit Apartment Therapy and take in a house tour or two before getting down to business with my Saturday stuff.

You may have guessed by the other tours that I’ve linked to in the past that my own design preferences run toward mid-century modern mixed with older and newer pieces. Also, I like color and order. Now, I should mention that none of this is evident in my own house. These are my druthers — not my reality, you understand.

Well, the house tour I’m pointing out to y’all today is not mid-century. It is ramshackle granny farmhouse plus color fanatic plus glamorous Dr. Seuss sensibility… know what, there aren’t words, turns out.

You just have to see it.

You’ll think it crazy or you’ll love it.

It is the creation of artist, Elizabeth Chapin.

Happy Saturday, y’all!


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