annie blog

Music All Around


Music All Around

This post has been a while in coming. Sorry for that, but I went to this concert on August 16th and then school ensued.

Y’all may remember that I wrote A.A. Bondy a letter on this blog and basically made a case (begged) him to come to St. Louis. Then my friend Anne said that we should go see him in Columbia. So we went and asked our friend Lori to come, too.

So that was lots of fun. I got to talk to those two great gals all the way to Columbia. We drank some fine beer and then saw A.A. Bondy.

The concert was fun, college hadn’t yet started term and so the crowd was light. But the really great part came at the end. After the encore when the band came back to the stage Anne and I went to the front. Now, I had previously told Anne that I wished that A.A. Bondy would sing “I’m So Lonesome” by Hank Williams. I had seen him cover the song online and I really wanted to hear him do it in person. He started playing around on his guitar, about to start the first encore song, when Anne yelled, “HANK WILLIAMS!!” He looked up with half a smile and said, “Hey, I love Hank Williams.” Then he and his band went on to sing two other songs. After that, to his band’s surprise, he told them that they could go and that he was going to close with Hank.

I took this video with my little camera. I think it did a good job. The only problem is that it only takes video in 3 minute clips. So the last little bit of the song is missing. Oh, and the giddy giggling that is happening at the beginning was done by me.

Other music today can be found on J’s blog, Wacktopia. This is not his best effort. It was taken after we had done a bunch of takes, the camera was running out of battery life AND he had a case of the giggles and had already sung the song in Swedish just to keep things interesting for me. So, click on over, if you dare.

Happy Friday!


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