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And How is Your Summer Going?


And How is Your Summer Going?

This is the question of this time of year. My answer…um, it’s going okay?

First off, I have to say that summer is harder than the school year is for our family. Secondly, I have to say that this summer in particular has had some challenges. Now, none of the challenges have been dire — but they’re not mundane, either. Not really anything that I could ask my fellow mom friends about. Those challenges plus a bunch of other assorted difficulties have made this summer *interesting*, so far.

I was explaining all of this to my friend, Eliza, the other day. I gave her a run down of all of our doings/happenings/challenges….

Me: Well, that’s about it. I really don’t know why I’m having such a hard time, really, I mean, taken separately, all of this doesn’t sound so bad.
Eliza: Yes, but, that’s kind a lot of stuff there, sweetie. Like a ton of stuff.
Me: It’s true, that stuff is heavy.
Eliza: I know it is. And, I think that it’s about to smother you.
Me: Yep.

So, I guess that I have to move into anti-getting-smothered mode. And, truthfully, it really depends on the day, my attitude, my boys’ attitudes, etc. For instance, today I felt much more hopeful than yesterday and definitely more hopeful than I did on Monday. And, as soon as I admitted this to myself and began to feel actually happy about it all, I instantaneously got a crick in my neck. Which means that my sense of humor is getting tested a little. I think, though, that my sense of humor is pretty tenacious. Because it has to be.

Alright. Enough about me…how’s your summer going?


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