annie blog

He’s From a Different Place


He’s From a Different Place
I used to make a joke that one of my sons was from Pluto. That we would usually reel him in in order to converse with him, or whatever, but that he would soon be floating back to Pluto, lost in his own little world. He has always had an odd, artistic-type of temperament. And, most of the time, he’s very laid back.

Yesterday, we went to meet his teacher for the coming year. Last year, he had a great teacher, one who was extremely kind to him and understanding of all of his difficulties while still making him toe the line and accomplish things. I was hoping that he would immediately like his new teacher. My first impression of her was very positive but I was wondering what he was thinking.

Me: So, C, what do you think about your teacher for this year?
C: (he was very excited) Oh, I feel really warm when I’m around her!
Me: And, that’s a good thing? (Hoping against all hope…)
C: Oh, yes, Mom. It’s a very good thing.


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