annie blog

Making It Mine


I hope that you all are well and happy on this Friday.  I hope your week was good.  Mine was busy, busy, busy.  I feel like it ran me over, actually.  But that’s how it goes.

I’ve kind of got that duh? sort of feeling that comes with Friday afternoon.  So,there won’t be anything mind-boggling on this blog today — or ever, really, right?  But I figured that I can always write about things that I’m passionate about.

So, today I’m talking about the Goodwill.

I know that I’ve talked a lot on here about my love for the Goodwill.  Yes.  I love it.

But I don’t think I’ve ever mentioned exactly why I like it….besides the price, of course.  What I really love about finding clothes at the Goodwill is the challenge.

What kind of challenge?

Well, I don’t know when it was, probably around this time last year, when I discovered that the wealth of the Goodwill plus my semi-okay sewing skills were a really happy match.  Since that time the size of an interesting item hasn’t concerned me all that much. My knowledge of garment construction has grown by leaps and bounds as I’ve made shirts out of dresses, changed the sleeves on long sleeved shirts, made a huge skirt fit by taking out panels, made a size zero skirt fit my nowhere-near-a-size-zero body, shortened skirts, removed ruffles, and made a very large, beautiful, expensive (in its former life) eyelet dress fit me.


$4.50 + a dime's worth of thread = dress I've worn all summer


I’ll admit that it has become a bit of a distraction for me as I shop, because now I not only note the condition of the item but I also think about its future.

But, what fun!

Anyway, I just thought that I’d share some of my craziness with you today.

Happy Friday, y’all!!!


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