annie blog

Smelling Salts Would Be Essential


All I know, which isn’t much, mind you, is that if you had told me that, 16 years from the date of my marriage, I would be registering my son for high school — well, I’d have been shocked.

Now, I don’t know if the smelling salts would be required just for that initial nugget of information.

But, if I’d been told that, these guys would be coming my way….

followed by this little buster, 4 years later,

well, the possessor of the smelling salts would be needing to have them handy.

Especially if you told me that the oldest one, the one I’d be registering for high school on my 16th anniversary, would also have autism, well, I might have uttered, “You mean like Rainman?!!!!!!!!!!??” before slumping to the floor.

Which is why it is good that we don’t know what is in front of us.  Because we could never, ever know how great and hard life can be, even (maybe especially?) the unimagined parts.

High school registration will never be my favorite memory, that is for sure.  Though, I’m already laughing about it which is, I suppose, a good sign.

All I know is that I love my guys….especially this one.


Life is wonderful and funny, isn’t it?

Happy Friday, y’all!



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