annie blog

Daddy Smith and the Beach


Daddy Smith and the Beach
This is a photo of a watercolor that my mother had done of my grandfather and my sister and me on the beach. It hangs beside my computer and I therefore look at it daily.

It brings me happy thoughts and memories about my Daddy Smith and of times spent at the beach.

We just returned from a week of being at the beach with my family and then visiting Jon’s parents and some of our family in Mississippi.

We had a fabulous time. We ate lots of wonderful fried food. We saw alligators by the dozens. I nearly lost my swim suit amid crashing waves. Another two thousand freckles joined the others already in residence. We picked quart upon quart of blueberries. There was time for thought and contemplation and personal resolutions. There was some upside-seeking behavior.

Being back is hard but it is mitigated by the relief of being out of the car, finally.

Time to get a plan, Annie. Like, now.

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