annie blog

Never Again…


Never Again…
will I reupholster a piece of furniture. I promised to take pictures of the process. And I have taken pictures. And, oh my goodness, has it been a process. I will post the pictures when the piece is finished. But that won’t be now. And it won’t be until sometime next week. Why, do you ask, will it not be until next week? Because, I have company coming. This place is an absolute wreck. I take that back — this place is an absolute wreck, squared. And, instead of putting the nice, finished chair in Jon’s office, I have to instead find a place for the unfinished chair and all the materials that will eventually be encased in fabric instead of in the plastic bags from Hobby Lobby.

You just wait, Chair. You HEAR me? I’m coming to get you next week and man, I’m going to fix you. You got that?

(I realize that my talking to the chair means that I should go to bed now and try to wake up sane and smiling.)

On another note, I made some really good chocolate cake today and some banana bread that my husband actually liked. So, you know, I’m not a total failure.


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