annie blog

My Day Off


My Day Off

It is my day off today. Off from what? The answer: not much. J is having the day off, too. Things have seemed hectic lately, even they have not really been more hectic, so this is a sign that Annie needs to have a day off. On days like this, I like to make lists. Actually, I’m a crazy list maker, anyway. Here it is, my silly list for things that I want to do this summer. (In no particular order.)

1. Get some tomato plants and herbs and actually keep them alive.
2. Try some new recipes with the above.
3. Make a new bag with this crazy fabric.
4. Alter my pants that are too big.
5. Learn to make pants, myself. (I have heard that making pants is hard — so, of course, I want to try. The last time someone told me that something was difficult, sewing-wise, I ended up making a fitted slipcover for a couch when I was 8 months pregnant. I’m stubborn that way.)
6. Read more and watch TV less.
7. Dye my hair auburn.
8. Keep J on an abbreviated school schedule for most days.
9. Exercise for me and the boys.
10. Try to keep my sanity.

What are your plans for the summer?


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