annie blog


This is a rambling post. You have been warned.

My baby is communicating so well. He has lots of words and he uses them at the appropriate time. Perhaps his most original (sort of) word is “nur-nur”. What does it mean? Well, I’ll give you a hint. When he says it, he starts messing around with my shirt. Ah ha. Yes. He is still nursing….so he will tell me now, when he thinks that the time is right. It is hilarious. He was saying it in his crib last night. It was 2 a.m., and I could barely see his little head above the end of the crib as he looked at me where I was sleeping. “Nur-nur, NUR-NUR!” So, of course, I got up and fed him. That child has slept through the night (over 7 hours straight) about 2-3 times in his life. IN HIS LIFE. So if you see me and I seem a little crazy, well, you know why. I was so tired this morning that I couldn’t put my contacts in right. It took me five minutes to understand that the reason that I couldn’t get them in there correctly was that I was putting them both in one eye over and over again. I knew that it felt funny. Okay, that is the bulletin from the sleep-deprived, crazy mother of 4. Y’all have a good day.


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