annie blog

A Couple of Things


A Couple of Things

going on around here…..

First, I’m totally addicted to making these t-shirts. I’m not finished with the embroidery, yet, but I still went ahead and cut the fabric inside one petal, just to see. I’m impatient.

Second, I made a delicious dessert involving fillo dough last night. It was for a certain birthday boy that we have around here. He always asks for apple pie on his birthday. That recipe will be shared tomorrow. Unfortunately, a picture of the finished product was not taken because we were too busy eating it all up. Maybe next time I’ll remember.

Third, J is channelling The Grinch on Wacktopia. I just love how his voice sounds when he sings about the “seasick crocodile”. It is fun to experience his voice changing. I keep wondering where we’ll end up. Maybe baritone?

I hope that y’all have had a good Sunday.


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