annie blog

Well, Hi There


Well, Hi There
and sorry to be absent here for so long. It isn’t that I haven’t got a few things to say, recipes to post and a quilt to blog about. There is all of that. But I haven’t been able to blog about those things because something grievous has happened in the life of the Barlows.

Our Miss Liz is gone.

She meant so much to us and we loved her so dearly that it is utterly impossible for me to articulate all of the ways that we will miss her, now.

All I can say it she was a precious little Glaswegian who
loved her dad and loved Scotland.
She LOVED my boys.
She followed the Cardinals and always wore White Shoulders.
She loved purple and pink.
And she vacuumed her shag carpet to make it fluffy for the boys to sit on.
She was incredibly sentimental but made room for new stuff in her life —
like old school rap and southerners with crazy boys from next door.
She went to every baptism, and play, and graduation.
She loved fast food and gave my children a life-long love of Pringles.
She made me realize the tiny things that were wonderful about my boys — things I might have missed without her.
And there is so much more.

The day I met her was a great day.
And I’m really glad that the Almighty lined that up.
Even though we’re sad now.

At her funeral there were several songs. I don’t know that she chose the music. Judging by the style, I’m guessing that she didn’t. During one of the songs, I was sitting there thinking about her when I noticed some movement out of the corner of my eye. It was my youngest. He was very studiously playing his air guitar along with the music.

She would have loved that.


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