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In the life of E


In the life of E

E, my youngest boy,my baby, is 2 and a quarter. He is almost done with his transformation from baby to full blown little boy. A few illustrations….

Yesterday, I took him to the park while oldest brother watched a movie and brothers 2 and 3 waited like hawks to swoop down on the TV when the oldest was finished watching. They have XBOX fever, but I digress. On the way to the park, E wants to run down the street. I tell him that we need to save our running for the grass, instead of down the hill because it scares Mommy. He replies, very seriously and with a very low voice, “O-tay, Mom, o-tay.” (His responses almost always make me want to giggle a little — he is just so earnest.) We get almost to the park and he sees something of interest, “Beeg steek!” he exclaims. (The joy that big sticks bring to the lives of little boys everywhere really cannot be put into words.) What does he use his big stick for? Well, he uses it to get the fuzz off of dandelions when blowing doesn’t do the trick. Dandelions are another of his great loves of the moment, along with the already mentioned big sticks, Toy Story and Poppy the cat. While at the park, we meet some kids. E always says “hi” now. Usually he says this before the people are within earshot. Then, he will say it again when they can hear. While swinging in the swing, he dropped his toy and one of the children handed it back to him. What did he say? “Thanks, Man!!” What a hoot, I think that he learned that one from Toy Story.

One other thing about E. He has his preferences. I have thought all along that he was an “easy” child. And, I think that I was only partly right. He is easy-going but I think that the rest of it was just that things were going his way. Now, he loves being decisive with his “yes” and “no”. And he will tell you exactly what he wants now. Which I also love. The other day, I got him out of his bath and was drying him off. I started to talk about diaper and desitin and jammies. He was alarmed. He looked at me in a questioning way and asked, “Run nekkid, RUN NEKKID!?!”. Another of his favorite things. 🙂 So I let him run and run. The joys of a 2 year old. It makes me happy to witness them all again.


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