annie blog

Happy Sunday, Y’all


Happy Sunday, Y’all

I hope that you’re having a good day. After church and a meal I came home to watch the Cardinals, sew, and to just chill and get organized for the week ahead.

In this little house, this one that I share with a bunch of Barlow males and a dog and a parakeet, I’m just thankful. Reading about the devastation in the south, particularly in Phil Campbell, Alabama, and in Tuscaloosa, just makes me cringe. I personally know people who have been affected severely by the tornados. In fact, my 2nd grade teacher was one of the casualties.

Just a week ago, I bet a lot of those folks were celebrating Easter with their families and friends. They didn’t know what was coming just around the corner.

I know that we all feel blessed to have our lives.

I know that we try not to take living for granted.

I don’t know, just thinking about it all makes me even more motivated to not waste my life. It also makes me want to read Ecclesiastes for some reason. I don’t know.

Peace, y’all.

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